Chord Maker

For nearly twenty years, guitar players, song writers, and church musicians have been using Virtu Software's ChordMaker program to create chord-and-lyric sheets. Our unique software design allows you to embed chords directly into the text so that no matter what you do with the font (make it bigger? make it bolder? make it a crazy script font?) the chords will still line up exactly with the text.

Now, after all these years, ChordMaker is finally coming to the internet. The latest version of ChordMaker will be entirely web based, which means you can access your songs quickly and easily, even if you are far from home. Plus, the capability to share songs with other musicians will be built into the system, rather than being a separate forum as it was in the desktop application.

We're still fine-tuning the details, but there will be some very exciting new features added to ChordMaker with this latest version.

ChordMaker takes you from this:

To this, with just a click of a button! 



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